50 Days
50-days program to start and scale your business using modern digital tools

One day, the people who didn't believe in you at the very beginning, will proudly tell everyone how they met you!
How do we teach:
All your training in one place
Connect to the XLearner system – your personal account. Watch classes, communicate with teachers, do your homework – we made sure that your learning is comfortable.
Live online
Most of our courses are delivered as live webinars. You not only listen to lectures, but also communicate with the teacher in real time. For recorded courses, we have provided live workshops and QA sessions. Everything to get you involved in learning as much as possible.
The team behind the course
Together with a practicing teacher, producer and methodologists, we make the course as useful as possible. We explain complex topics in simple terms, prepare practical tasks and give cases from world practice so that you get up-to-date knowledge and immediately apply it.
Always in touch, always support
Clients appreciate our support. The teacher and your personal manager will answer any questions during the learning process. Feel free to ask them.
Result "Before" and "After" Teleport
within the next 2 months
No more no sales
No more where are leads
No more cash gaps

Yes to more profit
Yes to hundreds of clients
Yes to close-knit team
Who is our program for?
The intensive is designed for students of any level – from beginners
to entrepreneurs who want to expand their business

For employees
Launch your own business, as well as reach a net profit of $5,000 per month in just 2 calendar months.

For newbies in business
Net profit from $10,000/month in the chosen niche.

Entrepreneurs with profit up to $50,000
Doubling net profit due to proper organization of processes, optimization and synchronous growth of daily sales.
This world has already changed

Elon Musk launches rockets into space. The world is changing. The beat is growing. Those who you follow on Instagram have been growing for a long time and every day it gets better and better.
And what about you?
It’s time to get out of this quagmire! Launch your business in a changing economy using modern tools. And, if you already have a business, implement and multiply the net profit, simply by gaining the experience of those who have already done it before you.

96% of teleport participants
achieve their goal
in net profit in just 2 months
Hundreds of people have done it before you
now you have to take the first step
What exactly will you learn and implement in 2 months
Check out our upcoming program
β The first lesson is the transformation of the vision of your business
π§Β Calculate the most key action through the decomposition of the final result.
π§Β Choose the goal that really ignites you personally.
π§ Set the right goal and figure out how to do it and why it is important.
π§ Decide on a niche / product / sub-product / service / product choice (using a hyper-segmentation table).
π§ Great online networking as an important tool.
π§ Study and test hypotheses within a week and a month, get tools on how to choose the most effective ones.
πΒ The result of the lesson
One of the important results this week is that you will earn your first money in business in a new way for you. Choose 20 ideal niches/products to test. Set a goal for 2 months and a year. Determine the main levers to achieve your goal. Break down a goal for each week and a clear plan of simple actions to achieve them. Get 20+ new useful contacts of entrepreneurs. Gain a group of 10 people who will support you throughout the training.
β You will package your business and product, learn how to create a unique selling proposition
π§ Learn packaging technologies and package your product, product or service
π§ Traffic channels and how to work with them
π§ Tools for generating 1000+ requests per day on a product.
π§ Rules for setting up a Facebook account for 1000 applications
π§ Instructions for blocking ad accounts
π§ Analysis of tools for obtaining leads in any business – goods, services or wholesale.
πΒ The result of the lesson
Learn how to quickly get leads in your niche. Make the primary packaging of your product in the form of a landing page, marketing kit, presentation or video. Get the first 20 applications. And in a working business, increase the flow of leads from new sources of advertising, adapt the business to the new realities of online advertising.
β You will be able to set up a constant flow of leads, understand how to optimize advertising
π§ Deep study of traffic.
π§ You can set up a constant flow of leads in contextual advertising, targeting, etc.
π§ You will understand how to optimize advertising, what are the main tools for scaling applications.
πΒ The result of the lesson
Learn how to set up a consistent, manageable lead flow. You can optimize advertising and build a marketing funnel to squeeze customers on the Internet.
You will learn what a selling script is, the stages of sales, how to handle the most popular objections and close deals.
Analysis of sales stages.
Tools for controlling the sales department through the CRM system, how to properly implement CRM systems.
Create a sales funnel for your business.
Learn to identify the key stage of the sales funnel.
Tools for handling popular objections in any niche.
KPI’s of the sales department, due to which KPI’s values to increase conversions.
Schemes and methods of motivation of the sales department.
Sales scripts, script writing technology.
Development of tools in practice.
Β The result of the lesson
Write scripts and make the first deals. Learn to handle and close objections. Learn the nuances of sales through different scenarios: from a call to a live meeting. Complete sales exercises right in the class that will bring you money.
This occupation is the union of you, dreams, goals, environment and tools. A week of awareness and inspiration to new results
Β The result of the lesson
New useful acquaintances. Feedback was received from each participant of the dozens on their goals.
The lesson is dedicated to putting the legal and accounting order in everything that you have done before
Calculate a financial model for your business based on examples.
Techniques and tools for financial accounting (revenue, turnover, why there is a cash gap, due to what, how to prevent this) + formulas.
Tools for calculating the advertising budget you are willing to spend + formulas.
Instructions for optimizing taxes on the example of your country.
Working with money thinking, eliminating hidden money fears.
Β The result of the lesson
You will determine the optimal legal form for the operation of your business. Write down the business model, as well as the first version of the financial model. Identify key business areas and required resources. Learn how to calculate income/expenses correctly. You will be able to predict the benefits and return on investment in the business.
The week will give you an understanding of the strength of the team around you.
The formula for the correct preparation of a vacancy.
Techniques for verifying the authenticity of information written in the resume.
Checklist for an effective interview.
Drawing up adaptation programs.
How to prescribe the right motivation for each department.
How to write an organizational structure.
What is valuable final product VFP?
Write an VFP for each department in your company.
What is the reporting of each employee, and how to effectively implement it.
How and why planning meetings should take place online or offline + their structure.
Tools for effective motivation of employees (material/non-material).
Corporate etiquette, what it is and how it helps your business.
Techniques and methods of remote management of employees.
What is the difference between KPI and VFP in formulas.
Β The result of the lesson
Understanding that you can achieve great results thanks to a strong team. Write down the Organizational Structure of your business. Complete the profiles of the key employees you will hire. Create a vacancy, a profitable motivation system and employee training. Write work instructions and a team management system.
This week is all about thinking and working long hours.
How to enter foreign markets in Europe and the USA.
Sites and platforms for working with foreign markets.
How to find agents to sell abroad (import/export).
How to work with China, how to bring your production there.
The algorithm for packaging your business into a franchise.
Check your business model for scalability.
Β The result of the lesson
The final. You will get simple and clear tools for exponential growth. Based on your business model, determine the easiest and most profitable way to scale.
What is your challenge today?
From a laptop, smartphone, anywhere, with the help of a teleport you solve it.
We have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in this to deal with any business issue and accelerated towards the goal
17 check sheets
50+ homework assignments
18 hours of video recordings
30 instructions and templates
6 insights from entrepreneur mentors
7 Q&A sessions from experts
3 formats of group work throughout the program
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